Our AI Mission
Our mission is to empower healthcare organizations by harnessing the power of emerging technologies. We are committed to providing innovative solutions that address physician burnout, promote healthcare compensation equity, and foster healthy communities. Through our expert training and consulting services, we aim to help healthcare providers navigate the complexities of integrating AI-infused solutions, ultimately enhancing patient care and streamlining operations for a healthier, more sustainable future.

Why RealActivity?
RealActivity is a boutique consulting firm specializing in Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare and AI-driven solutions. With over 50 years of combined data engineering and AI/ML experience, our diverse team delivers expert training, seamless platform integration, and innovative products, such as our Provider Experience CoPilot that boosts productivity, pay equity, and reduces burnout. Harness the power of cutting-edge technologies, including generative AI, OpenAI, FHIR, and Intelligent RVUs, with RealActivity – your trusted partner in mission-critical AI. 

250 ChatGPT Prompts for Healthcare: A Pocket Guide for Executives – HIMSS 2023 Special Edition
Slides and photos from our recent healthcare cloud global speaking tour.
Top 10 Power Platform Healthcare and
HLS links for 2023
Top 15 healthcare technology
conferences for 2023

Schedule a private demo or consultation to learn more about our GPT training and services.

Microsoft & OpenAI, ChatGPT

POC and Demo Apps for Leadership
Responsible AI Dashboardand Governance Plans
FHIR Integration
 Expert ChatGPT healthcare consulting
Seamless ChatGPT integration
Tailored ChatGPT customization
Comprehensive ChatGPT training
Ongoing ChatGPT support

RealActivity Provider Experience Platform

cFTE and CARTS (CARES) Tracking
‌‌Provider Burnout
‌Compensation Equity
‌Intelligent AI GPT RVU Management
‌GPT Powered Provider Attestations
‌CMS Reporting
‌Microsoft, PeopleSoft and SAP integration for AI in HR

Community Engagement

‌Boston Healthcare Cloud Community
‌Power Platform Community
‌Microsoft Tech Days
‌Microsoft MVPs, MCTs
‌Acceleration Economy Analyst Practitioner
‌Health Cloud without Borders